Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thinking Anxiously

thinking anxiouslyAnxious people tend to think differently than those who are more laid back. Thoughts of those with anxiety often stay focused in the future. You don't really feel anxious about what happened last week, you worry about what may happen later today, tomorrow, or even years from now. Here are a few examples of people having anxious thoughts.

1. Sally looks in the mirror. Her hair is turning grayer. She thinks that everyone who looks at her immediately sees her as old and being old is terrible. She believes that most people also think that she is ugly. Old, ugly, and worthless. She doesn't want to leave her house because she is sure that people will judge her. Eventually, she stops caring about herself. She doesn't have her hair done because she believes that nothing she does will make her look better. Her friends and family wonder why she has become such a recluse.


Seven Signs That You Need to See a Mental Health Professional

purple faceEveryone has bad days. And many have bad weeks. But when feeling depressed, stressed, or anxious stretches out over a period of several weeks and begins to interfere with daily life, then mental health professionals may need to be involved. Here are some signs that you or someone you care about need evaluation and possibly treatment:

1. Suicidal thoughts or plans. If you start thinking that life is not worth living, help is available. You can call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE or a local mental health center. If you are aware of someone else who has thoughts of suicide, the hotline can advise you of what action you should take.

2. Feeling defeated and hopeless. Life can be tough. But if you feel that there is nothing to look forward to and hopeless, a mental health professional may be able to help you see other possibilities.


The Amazing Power of Being Present

'Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.' ~Thich Nhat Hahn

Post written by Leo Babauta.

How can you bring calm and peace to the middle of a stress-ful, chaotic day?

The answer is simple, though not always so easy to put into practice: learn to be present.

No matter how out-of-control your day is, no matter how stressful your job or life becomes, the act of being present can become an oasis. It can change your life, and it's incredibly simple.

When I asked people what things prevent them from having a peaceful day, some of the responses:

  • Work, the internet, my own lizard brain.
  • Social media and other digital distractions.
  • For me it's too many things coming at me all at once. Whether it's news, or decisions, or work to be done.

How learning happens in the brains of sleeping babies

Dozing in a bassinet, a newborn wears a stretchy cap fitted with more than 100 soft electrodes. A low beep sounds, and she squints. Nearby, ...